The Friday Forum – The Prophetic Approach to Nutrition & Integrative Health with Sr. Noor Salem
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Feb 24 2023
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
The Friday Forum – The Prophetic Approach to Nutrition & Integrative Health with Sr. Noor Salem
Join us this Friday at ICPC-Clifton for a special edition on The Prophetic Approach to Nutrition & Integrative Health! The discussion will give insight into functional & integrative medicine and the role of various dietary and lifestyle factors that contribute to chronic disease. We’ll discuss treasures from the Qur’an & Sunnah that can transform our perspective on dieting and medicine altogether. The session will include practical tips to prevent or treat various chronic conditions, prepare healthy and delicious meals, and more! Copies of the guest’s books, Sunnah Superfoods, will be available for purchase onsite. Friday at 8pm. #thefridayforum#youngprofessionals#youngadults#MSA#ICPCClifton#ICPC#ICPCNJ#Nutrition#medicine#diet#SunnahSuperfoods#healthymeals#noorsalem