
Jan 20 2024


5:00 pm

The Community Hub – Seerah and S’mores

Join us on Saturday, January 20th, at 5:00 pm at ICPC-Clifton for a special Seerah and S’mores event hosted by The Community Hub, featuring guest speaker Ibrahim Salman. Immerse yourself in the captivating stories of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) while enjoying the delightful taste of s’mores. Ibrahim Salman’s insights will add depth to our understanding of the Seerah. This family-friendly gathering ensures a unique blend of spirituality and sweetness. Babysitting services will be provided, making it convenient for the whole family to attend. Don’t miss this opportunity to come together as a community, learn, and create cherished memories. Save the date for an evening of Seerah and S’mores! #TheCommunityHub #SeerahAndSmoreEvent #FamilyFun #Spirituality
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