In one of the Hadiths, Abu Hurairah mentioned that The Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessing be upon him) said that:” A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good” (Quote Sahih Muslim 2664). This particular Hadith outlines the importance of being healthy and strong physically, which shows that exercises and keeping fit are important for Muslims. We ask Allah SWT to purify our intentions for His sake alone whenever doing physical activity and exercise, starting everything we do with bismillah, and knowing that our actions will be judged by our intentions.

Also use this as a stepping stone for the One 14 challenge, combining Quran memorization and physical fitness through running to be held in September in Northern NJ. Please see the link for registration details

Location: Brookdale Park in Bloomfield, NJ

Date: May 12th

Time: Arrive at 7:30 am to check-in.

Sister’s Race: 8 am – 9 am
Brother’s Race: 9 am – 10 am
Kids Race: 10 AM

Registration Check-in tables will be located near the Children’s Playground.

Race Course: Inner Loop, which is 1mile and will be run three times. The course will have markers to indicate the path.

**The family members & friends coming to support the participants do not need to register.

ICPC 5K Run/Walk Training Programs


Our 8-week 5k training plan for beginners is geared towards the complete novice or occasional runner. No pace indicators are made for beginners, simply increasing distance goals. Heart rate can go above your aerobic base, which as a baseline is 180 bpm less your age. So for some 30 years of age, their aerobic base is 150bpm. The aerobic base should feel like an easy to moderate perceived level of effort. As said above for 20% of your training and race day it is fine to go above your aerobic base to push yourself. For the majority of the training below try to stay 80% of the time at your aerobic heart rate.

The progression below suggests increasing the distance by a quarter of a mile each week. That’s approximately 400m or 1 lap of a running track, use google maps, a Fitbit, Garmin, or a smartwatch to track if running at a park or open road/trails to accurately measure distance progression.

5K Run

Intermediate: Sub 30min 5K/3.1Miles

5K Run

During the course of this 30 minute 5k training plan, you will be running at a slightly faster pace than 9:40 p/mile for short durations, so you need to ensure that you can maintain a pace of 9:40 for at least 1km before we start to think about maintaining it for 30 minutes.

5K Run

Time commitment: You should be looking to commit roughly 2 hours of work a week over the course of the sub 30 minute 5k training plan in addition to any time spent cross training.

Breakeven Sessions – Sub 30 minute 5k

These sessions are used for maintaining fitness & recovery. Preparing you for breakthrough sessions:

  • Steady Run – this should be no quicker than 10:30 p/m.
  • Long Run – this doesn’t need to be any longer than 60-75 minutes.

Breakthrough Sessions – Sub 30 minute 5k

These sessions are meant to be challenging intense efforts, treat them as mini-milestones towards your target:

  • 400m Reps – these need to be at 9:40 p/m pace (2:24 per lap) with a 60sec standing recovery.
  • 800m Reps – should be reps at 9:40 p/m pace (4:48 per 800m) with a 200m jogged recovery.
  • 1km Intervals – aim for 9:35-9:40 p/m pace (6:00 per km) with a 90sec jogged recovery.

The core work for the 30 minute 5k training plan is set over a 3-week period with the addition of 1 week’s recovery. At the end of the first 4-week cycle you can repeat and/or tailor the plan to your individual needs to focus on your particular 5k event.

It is recommended that after 2/3 months of using the training plan that you take a break and treat yourself to a couple of weeks of low-key training. This should start with 2-3 day’s off from running completely and continue with a nice short easy run every other day.

To realize improvements it’s worth remembering that training is cumulative and it takes time and dedication to follow any training plan and achieve the results you want. You should not start this plan if you cannot commit to doing 3 sessions a week.

Target Race Pace: 6:25 per mile / 3:59 per km for a sub 20 5k

In order to achieve a sub 20 5k, you will need to be able to run just under a target race pace of 6:25 minutes per mile pace for the full 3.1-mile distance. That’s 4 minutes per kilometer.

5K Run
5K Run

Time commitment: You should be looking to commit roughly 3-6 hours of work a week over the course of the sub 20 5k training plan depending on the number of cross training sessions you get through.

Breakeven Sessions – Sub 20 5k training plan

These sessions are used for maintaining fitness & recovery. Preparing you for breakthrough sessions:
Easy/ Steady Run – this run should be according to how you feel, don’t worry about the time, make sure it’s no quicker than 08:00 p/m. Concentrate on recovery and form.
Long Run – slow & steady run, this should be less than 1 hour.
Fartlek – unstructured training. Example Fartlek sessions.

Breakthrough Sessions – Sub 20 5k training plan

These sessions are meant to be challenging intense efforts, treat them as mini-milestones towards your target:
400m Reps – these need to be at 6:15 p/m pace (93s per lap) with a 60sec standing recovery.
800m Reps – should be reps at 6:25p/m pace (3:12 per 800m) with a 200m jogged recovery.
1km Intervals – hit 6:25p/m pace (4:00 per km) with a 90sec jogged recovery.
Hills: Kenyans/ Hill Sprints – alternate between Kenyans and Hill Sprints to get a balance of power and endurance training. Example Hill Training Sessions.
The core work for the sub 20 5k training plan is set over a 3-week period with the addition of 1 week’s recovery. At the end of the first 4-week cycle, you can repeat and/or tailor the plan to your individual needs to focus on your particular 5k event.
It is recommended that after three months following the sub 20 5k plan that you reduce your training for a period of one to two weeks to allow your body time to recover from the impact of running. This should mean more time cross-training with a couple of nice easy runs every few days to keep the legs ticking over.

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